Stone and wood sculptor. I regularly exhibit my own creations in different artistic events
mainly across France and Germany, but also in other locations. In parallel to my main
artistic work, I organize sculpture courses and artistic events for the general public on
demand and from my own initiative. Finally, I produce order-based sculptures, taking
into account the client’s wishes and demands.
2013 – 2016 Meisterschüler Urkunde, bei Herrn Prof. Andreas Kienlin Fachbereich
Bildende Kunst / Fachgebiet Bildhauerei verliehen.
University Alanus Hochschule, Alfter, Germany.
2013 – 2015 Master of Art fine arts (M.F.A). Masterprüfung im Studiengang Bildende
Kunst mit der Schwerpunkt „Kunst im Dialog“.
University Alanus Hochschule, Alfter, Germany.
2009 – 2013 Bachelor of fine art (B.F.A). Bachelorprüfung im Studiengang Bildende
Kunst Studienrichtung Bildhauerei.
University Alanus Hochschule, Alfter, Germany.
2007 – 2008 Artistic and philosophy training year.
Foyer Michaël, Moulins sur Allier, France
Produced several sculptures ordered by private clients, 2015-2019
Stone sculptures: carvings of gneiss sculptures ordered by the artist Knut Wold.
Norway, April – November 2019.
Artistic washbasin: made out of gabbro. Altena, Germany, 2019.
Artistic washbasin: made out of gabbro. Bonn, Germany, 2019.
Stone sculptures: carving of several sculptures out of gneiss, gabbro and marble
for the artist Knut Wold. Norway, May – August 2018.
Artistic washbasin: made out of gabbro. Heidelberg, Germany, 2017.
Car statue: made out of bronze, ordered by a private car collector. Bonn,
Germany, 2016.
Artistic washbasin: made out of granit. Bonn, Germany, 2016.
Stone animal sculpture: made out of limestone. Norway, 2015.
Sculptural ensemble: made out of basalt, order from Waldorf school. This work
was done in collaboration with professor Andreas Kienlin and Miriam Nolte.
Mainz, Germany, 2014.
01.2018 - 03.2019
Werkstatt Altena, Germany.
I took over an artistic site for a duration of six months in the german town of Altena. I
produced several pieces in wood and stone, and provided guidance to several students
during my stay.
09.2017 – 12.2017
Skulpturen Park « Karin Humberg », Bad Godesberg, Germany
I conceptualize, organized and produced the stone sculpture park of the renowned artist
Karin Humberg.
March 2020
Wood sculpture course. Prepared for an adult audience, two
weeksduration. Foyer Michaël, Moulins sur Allier, France.
May 2019
Stone sculpture course. Prepared for an adult audience, two weeksduration.
Foyer Michaël, Moulins sur Allier, France.
July 2018
Wood sculpture course. Elaborated for children, one week duration.
Kinderkultursommer, Köln, Germany.
May 2018
Iron and plaster course. Prepared for adults, one week duration at the Visual
Art School. Basel, Switzerland.
November 2017
Stone sculpture course. Prepared for an adult audience, two
weeksduration. Foyer Michaël, Moulins sur Allier, France.
July 2017
Wood sculpture course. Elaborated for children, one week duration.
Kinderkultursommer, Köln, Germany.
March 2017
Stone sculpture course. Prepared for an adult audience, two
weeksduration. Foyer Michaël, Moulins sur Allier, France.
March 2016
Stone sculpture course. Prepared for an adult audience, two
weeksduration. Foyer Michaël, Moulins sur Allier, France.
July 2016: Wood sculpture course.
Elaborated for children, one week duration.
Kinderkultursommer, Köln, Germany.
2008-2009: Voluntary yearly work at the healing teaching center of San Juan in Adeje,
Tenerife, Spain.
I created and supervised a sculpture workshop in which I provided teaching and
guidance to handicapped patients. My main activity was to supervise the creations of
sculptures realized by a whole group, which helped patients to recover and gain interest
in novel activities.
2006-2008: Africa experience
Multiples experiences and teachings across 14 months in different countries of Africa,
including Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Togo, Benin, Guinea Bissau, Senegal.